Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spring Performance

I am a proud stage-mom. Tonight was the Spring Performance at the kids' school. And they were AWESOME. It was ridiculously cute. I think there were a few parents who weren't smiling, and I think they must hate kittens and puppies and flowers and sunshine, and their hearts must be made of stone. ME? My face hurt from grinning so big for so long.

Jack officially "graduated" preschool - cap and diploma and all. Then the big kids sang and danced and did songs in other languages and the ABCs in sign language. It was impressive. Then the toddlers came in and "danced," or more accurately, "stood and stared at the massive crowd while the teachers danced."

Below are a few pictures and videos. You can go ahead and tell me that my kids are the cutest things in the whole world. I won't deny it.


the fabulous Nikki B said...

I could just eat Ryker up! That tie is too adorable!

BJ said...

Love this! Unbelievably cute. Keep these videos forever. Love, Gaga