Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ryker is in the Repeat Phase. Anyone reading this with a child under the age of 5 remembers this phase. The rest of you have consolidated these months into a blur of two books, three songs, and one game that you were forced to repeat over and over and over again.

"Gain" is his new favorite word, as in "again."

Tonight he wanted to do rounds of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. I sang it while he did the hand motions. Then Chuck came in and helped out. "Gain Daddy, Momma. Gain." Clapping.

To calm him down and get him to sleep I thought I'd sing You Are My Sunshine (a family favorite). He popped right back up, staring at me and grinning. I got to the end of the first "You are my sunshine" and he chimes in "SHINE!" At the end he clapped. "Gain Momma. Gain. Yay! Gain."

"Again what?"


"What should we do again?"

"Yeah. Gain....Shine."

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