Monday, May 10, 2010

Conversations with Ryker

Ryker is quite the Chatty Cathy now. He's learning new words every day, as I've mentioned.

Tonight I was rocking with him before bed. It is one of my very favorite parts of the day. Normally we just rock in the dark and he cuddles into me. Tonight he had different plans. He couldn't stop talking. I stayed quiet, partially to not encourage him and partially because I loved listening.

Here was his monologue, followed by a rough translation.

"Momma Daddy Jashun. Jashun Ohm. Baboon. Momma Daddy Jashun. Baboon. Ohm. Doddy. Shishy."


"Momma Daddy Jackson. Jackson Home. Balloon. Momma Daddy Jackson. Balloon. Home. Doggy. Kitty (or maybe Fishy but I'm guessing he was talking about our kitty)."

I have no idea what this monologue was supposed to mean. Then he sat up, looking at me, and did the hand motions to the Itsy Bitsy Spider, saying gibberish that sounded NOTHING like the song. But he was pleased with himself.

I love this age!

1 comment:

KellyM said...

These posts just make me want to BE there! actually SEE Jackson writing (and talk to him about it!) and to HEAR Ryker babbling! Can't wait 'til next week!