Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Does he really look THAT big?

Chuck and I had our Babymoon this past weekend. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this recent trend, it is a time that the couple gets to go somewhere to clear their heads before the new baby arrives. We were still in town, just at a swanky hotel with no toddler. It was pure bliss.

Anyway, Grandmommy was in charge of our child and our pets and kept all of them alive and fed. Spectacular. We forget to feed them sometimes, so I'm not being sarcastic. I was impressed.

One of her more interesting moments came when she took Jack to the library. I had forgotten to leave her my library card, so she went to the desk to explain the situation and see if she could still check out some books for him. Jack was standing right next to her as she spoke with the librarian. He said "Sure, that's no problem. We can just give him his own card!" He printed it out, slide it across the desk towards Jack and asked if he could just sign his name on the card. Grandmommy said "He's only 2!" and the guy said "He's TWO?????!!!!"

Sad for my gigantic son. A sign of things to come, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Bethk said...

thats funny! but I have to say... coming from someone who people always thought she was a) a boy and b) five years younger than she actually was, being bigger/looking older could be a really good thing for him! :)