Friday, May 23, 2008

Conversation this morning

Conversation overheard this morning as Chuck got Jack settled with his breakfast. (Note: Marianne is a friend of my family's that is painting a mural in the nursery.)

Jack: (Coming into our room after waking up) Me thought you forgot about me.
Chuck: I would never forget about you!
J: Marianne coming over paint nursery day?
C: Yes, she's coming back to paint today.
J: YEAH!!!!! Me 'cited! (clapping)
C: Good.
J: Ummm...maybe me stay home day.
C: What? No bud, you can't stay home today. Mommy and Daddy have to go to work so no one would be here to watch you.
J: Marianne stay wiff me.
C: No, Marianne has to paint, so she couldn't watch you.
J: Oh....Deese prooms?
C: Yes those are prunes.
J: Deese make me poop?

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