Monday, June 20, 2011

Corduroy - the Video

Ryker has progressed with his rendition of Corduroy, and now you can see for yourself.

A few things to note:

1. He requested that we make this movie. It's the 3rd attempt, on three different nights. First attempt was 12 minutes, second was 7, and this is 6 - a new personal best.

2. It was really hot in his room, so he's only in his pull-up.

3. I think we must say "oh my gosh" too much.

4. That big thing going up his side is a "temporary" tattoo, which has not come off in 3 weeks. It's a zebra.

5. The red dots on him are bug bites, not chicken pox.

Without further ado:


KellyM said...

I'm LOL just watching this. But I'm thinking of things like the fact that it LOOKS like he's turning the book to show the pages to you - because you are obviously on the floor. But when I was sitting next to him on the couch - and NOBODY was on the floor in front of us - he would STILL turn the book out to show everyone (???...his imaginary audience!!!) the pictures! And he let you get away with smiling, nodding, whatever! I guess he got tired of telling us NOT to do those things! Love that you got this all posted on a video! Thanks!

Bethk said...

So cute!! mom and I just watched this. what a little entertainer, showing us all the pictures. :) love him!