Monday, June 6, 2011

Registering for Kindergarten

Today I'm annoyed. I tried this morning to get everything ready to register Jack for kindergarten - officially. The process is next to impossible. I'm not kidding. I need a NOTARIZED version of his birth certificate. I need his immunizations, plus a form filled out by his doc. I need a bajillion pieces of paper filled out by me.

I called the school to make sure I could send in what I have completed, and send the supporting documents later, just so he's on their records and lists and whatnot. I'm getting antsy. The secretary was very nice. She said sure, and then said she could take a bunch of info now and get him on their lists. Great. So we did that and then she goes "half day or full day" because the state only pays for half. I said full. She said "paying?" and I said yes. She goes "oh, you must have talked to Patty."

Umm, no. "No, I didn't talk to Patty. Who is Patty? SHOULD I talk to Patty?"

Secretary: "Oh, well how do you know you're in full day then?"
Me: "I guess I don't. I'd like for Jack to be in full day, and we'll pay."
S: "Well, it's a numbers game. I'll put down that you are requesting that and I'll get back to you....I know I know your name from somewhere...."
M: "Well, my mom brought him up to visit a kindergarten classroom a few weeks ago."
S: "Yes, that was it! So was he assessed then?"
M: "No. He just visited the classroom."
S: "Oh, well he'll need to be assessed."
M: "Is that different than Early Childhood Screening? Because I have THAT set up already."
S: "Yes, this is different. When are you available to bring him in?"

Seriously? And it's only for 15 minutes. What are they possibly going to learn about my child in 15 minutes that will affect anything? They'll learn that he is very shy around new people, that he sucks his thumb still, and that he has gorgeous blue eyes - but that's only IF they can see him when he's hiding behind me with his face buried in the small of my back. Does THAT get us into full day? Are they looking for bribes?

I don't know how anyone figures this stuff out. I'm generally a smart person, with access to a computer and a phone and the ability to take time to make a personal call from work. Not everyone has that luxury.

It will be a miracle if this child actually gets to start school in the fall. I'll throw a party.

Speaking of which, Ryker's bday party is July 2. Save the date. Everyone's invited. If I get my act together soon, I'll send an email out. If I don't have your email address, consider yourself invited anyway. Unless you're the neighbor with the criminal record. You are NOT invited, unless you are also a notary public and want to help us get Jack's paperwork ready.


Nicki said...

When's his early childhood screening? For the assessments, at least at our school, we weren't allowed in there. They just get a general idea of what they know and who they are socially- very general, of course since it's a whole 15 minutes long. :D

the fabulous Nikki B said...

What a pain! Just one more reason to home school!

(teehee, that one was for you, Nicki!)

Florie said...

Ok you are stressing me out! AHHHH i still have a few years, or maybe just 1 i'm not sure. So the school has to assess you too? WTF?