Saturday, April 26, 2008

Seriously - A Little Help Please

Okay, I know that everyone that has known Jack since he was born is smirking about our recent struggles - at least that's what some of the braver amongst you have told me. We have had a relatively easy road with him thus far. So I don't mean to complain or pretend that the night-wandering is really that bad. But for us, right now, it's serious.

My friend Laura put a post on her blog recently about a parenting situation they were dealing with. She solicited (and received) advice on the situation and I think she feels better and maybe got new ideas about how to think about the situation. So here is my semi-desperate and copycat plea...

Please, for the love of whoever you personally believe in, send us suggestions, stories, funny anecdotes, etc. related to the topic of Jack's complete refusal to stay in his room.

Our sanity depends on you. No pressure.


Coolest people ever said...

I'm one of those smirkers, right? And clearly NOT the foremost authority on keeping a kid in their own bed at night. But if it's any consolation, I'd say keep in mind that it's a phase (because everything is) and that the excitement of it WILL eventually wear off for him. I would also seriously consider bribery. Good luck!

Coolest people ever said...

I didn't mean that comment to sound snotty, by the way!! I honestly do feel your pain here, you know that.

Jamie said...

Oh no, I didn't read it as snotty!

Bribery is for sure one of our strategies, except it is really just stickers and getting to "help" Chuck in the nursery. If he doesn't stay in bed at naps, he doesn't get to help Chuck. And he has a sticker chart that has 4 categories and he has stickers in all of them except this one.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie, check out this blog entry on the Star Tribune - maybe it might help. It all about having affirmations before bedtime to get the toddler to stay in bed through the night. I hope it helps!! Amy

Jamie said...

That is fantastic Amy! Good idea. We'll do this tonight. We haven't done it that blatently, although we did make him draw a picture of himself staying in bed all night. I like the affirmation thing though. Wish us luck!

Coolest people ever said...

You could also resort to scare tactics. Like "if you get out of bed the monster in the closet will get you."

ha ha ha ... JOKE