Monday, April 7, 2008

2 years, 6 months, 15 days, 9 hours, 14 minutes

I guess all good things must come to an end, or something cliched like that. This one, though, I was really hoping to avoid.


It took Jack 2 years, 6 months, 15 days, 9 hours and 14 minutes to figure out that he can actually leave his room in the night and come find us. Up until that point, he never once even left his bed. He'd just wait patiently until we came in to get him. We would frequently find him sitting up in bed waiting. Sometimes he would kick his mattress so it made a loud noise, or yell "Momma, Dadda, me want you come in here now!" but he NEVER got out of bed.

This morning around 5:20am he decided that enough was enough, and he came into our room to tell me he had a runny nose. I helped him and then put him back in bed and he stayed there until I went in to get him at a normal time. So all in all I shouldn't complain.

Here's what I CAN complain about (right?)...The following in a timeline of my morning so far:
  • 5:20am - Jack embraces his independence.
  • 6 something - Chuck's phone vibrates forever, waking me up again.
  • A few minutes after 6 something - Chuck's phone vibrates to indicate there's a message.
  • Maybe 30 minutes later - Chuck's phone vibrates again
  • 7 something - Something beeps loudly, waking me up again. My alarm should have woken me up already, but its volume was accidentally turned off.
  • 7:40am - Wake Jack up, he's crying and miserable with a cold
  • 7:45am - Try to find the missing thermometer to take his temperature. Go to the living room to find it, answer my mom's phone (she's here with us) and talk to Ryan (brother) who says that American Airlines confiscated the computer he's bringing us so it had to be checked instead of carried on. Find thermometer while talking to Ry Ry.
  • 7:48am - Hand phone to Mom so I can take Jack's temperature. He wails and later tells me he's sad when I take him temp. It was normal though - victory.
  • 7:55am - Chuck calls in sick to work. He NEVER calls in sick, so this is a big deal.
  • 8:00am - Get Jack settled into his highchair for breakfast. Look out window to see snow. Fantastic.
  • 8:45am - Finally get out door with Mom, Jack and my new box of oatmeal for work.
  • 9:00am - Stop at Caribou drive through to get coffee because there wasn't any at home. Ask the man to put it in 2 cups (meant to be double-cupping to keep it warmer). Man misunderstands and splits my coffee into two cups.
  • 9:10am - Drop Jack at daycare. Have to tackle him to get a hug.
  • 9:20am - Pull into work, Mom starts to switch seats with me to drive car back home while I try to consolidate my two cups of coffee into one cup to carry it in. Notice that the man actually poured me two full cups of coffee. Nice man. But I can't consolidate them. I decide to carry both inside and leave my oatmeal for tomorrow. Squeeze cup #1 too hard and it explodes, spilling coffee all over me and the seat. Decide to leave that cup in the car and only take cup #2 inside.
  • 9:30am - Have to get my friend Hannah to Tide Pen me because my coffee is all over the right cuff of my borrowed white maternity shirt. Curse myself for being SO right-handed that I can't do this myself.
  • 10am - Notice that my coffee is cold. Decide that I'll blog instead of work for awhile.


Coolest people ever said...

Sounds like a fun morning! Does someone have a case of the Mondays?

Can't exactly offer any sympathy on the kid-in-your-room situation ... considering mine took 6 years EACH to discover the fact that they didn't HAVE to see me in the middle of every night in order to continue breathing. It will be interesting though to see if he does it again tonight!

Jamie said...

Yeah, in re-reading my post I realized that maybe I was being grumpy. Venting is part of the benefits of blogging though, I've learned!

The first time your kids came in your room from theirs, did you immediately think the house was on fire? That was my reaction.

Lisa said...

Am I a mean friend that I laughed out loud when your coffee cup exploded? I only laughed because I thought that crap only happened to me.

Bethk said...

I don't know anything about kids coming in your room yet, but I do know a thing or two about coffee mishaps in the car. About once a month I convince myself that my cupholder in the car will fit my starbucks this time. Then it doesn't and the coffee goes flying, again. If I ever sell this car I will have to get creative: "Mocha inspired interior....."

Miss and love you guys!