Sunday, February 21, 2010

Love Letters - Jack

My friend Nicki writes love letters to various people on her blog. I like it, so I thought I'd write some to the kids. This one is for Jack.

Dear Jack,

You are my sweet boy. You have such a kind heart and an amazingly keen sense of justice. You are giving - always wanting to bring stickers to friends, cookies to your teachers, art projects to Mommy and Daddy. And you expect nothing in return.

You have been inquisitive since birth. I love seeing the world through your eyes, even if it means answering 300 questions about the lady getting off of the bus. I love watching you learn to read and write, even if it means being in a constant state of Spelling-Bee-ness. ("Momma, how do you spell Scooby?" "S-C-O-O-B-Y. Scooby.") You are working so hard at it, and showing so much pride in your accomplishments. And this is just the beginning. You are so talented at so many things already - I can't wait to see what captures your heart and turns into your passion.

I love how good you are to Ryker. I love how you want to help him. You want to feed him and give him things and teach him how to say words. You hug him when he's crying and speak for him when he can't express himself.

You are a phenomenal little boy and we love you so much.

1 comment:

KellyM said... if I didn't miss him so much already! What a sweet letter - for such a sweet boy! Love him!

And guess what? Equal time for loving Ryker!...the VIDEO is working today! So I can get my warmth of both of them - reading your words about Jackson and watching Ryker talk to the polar bears! YIPPIE!