Saturday, April 4, 2009

No News is Good News?

Okay, here are the things we've learned in the last few days:

1. Ryk's allergic to cephalosporins (I might be spelling that wrong) - that was the first reaction he had while we were at Children's.
2. Ryker is ALSO allergic to penicillin - he reacted to that Tuesday night after we got back from the hospital.
3. I have a Pavlovian response to putting medicine in my baby now. I break out in hives FOR him as I wait to see if The Spots are going to come back.
4. He's a champ at the lab tests - slept through some of it and cried harder at having his pants pulled down than he did at the blood draw.
5. Trying to collect a urine sample from a baby is a pretty funny endeavor.
6. Children's Hospital won't send results to your doctor unless the doctor calls and requests them. Because "they don't know the fax number." Really? REALLY?
7. Ryker does not have kidney disease. I didn't even know we were testing for that.
8. Everything that HAS come back to the doctor's office (not sure how since they don't know the fax number) has been negative - he looks great on all the things that they have seen.
9. We are awful at waiting.

There are still some tests that we don't have results for. We'll let you know what we find out.

In the meantime we don't want you all to forget about our awesome 3 year old. Here he is:


Grandmommy said...

All good news - including that the birds are enjoying the bird feeder! Please give both guys a hug for me! The only 'bad' news is that you still think it's Wednesday, April 1. Actually, you're sitting at home today because it's Saturday, April 4. Just thought I'd help you with that. :)

Jamie said...

Oops -that was because I started it on April 1 and just got around to finishing! The date is fixed now.

Amy said...

Hey James - hope Ryker is doing better. I am glad that is looking up! Loved Jack's video!

Bethk said...

Ok first of all I'm so glad we keep learning news on Ryker thats all just good to know information. Thanks for the update. Second of all, the video of Jack is hilarious and so cute!! He is a really good little singer and reminds me ofHEY LOOK AT THE BIRDS!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that things are looking good so far. keep us posted...
