Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Being Present

I have this problem. My problem is with being present - really present. I spend copious amounts of time in the past. I analyze everything that happens to me and everything that happens to those that I care about. I dwell on things. When I haven't gotten something right I spend energy trying to make it right the next time. That has made me good at some things and awful at others. I would have been a better athlete and a better student if I had just let go and been kinder to myself. (See, I know this because I've analyzed it over and over again.)

And I spend even more time in the future. I plan everything. I plan what kind of car we'll get next, what kind of dog we'll have next, what trips we'll have next, what our plan B and plan C and plan D will be if plan A doesn't pan out. I am a scheduler and a list maker.

Don't get me wrong, I do think about the happy things in the past, and happy things that might happen in the future. But here's where it becomes a problem. I will think about bad things that happened in the past - then apply them to a pretend version of the future. I completely bypass the present. I do this from a place of fear. I tell myself that I'm learning from mistakes and that might be true if I left it there. But I usually don't. Usually I then fear that that same bad thing will happen again. Many of you know this about me but many probably don't - it's called panic disorder. I've had it as long as I can remember.

So I'm making a concerted effort to live more in the present. The present is a lovely place to be, I'm learning. As a good friend recently told me, "we eat, we sleep, we have babies - all the rest is just details." She threw in some expletives too but this is a family show.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why I'm saying all of this on a blog about my family. Well, first, because it's about my family. It affects them when I'm not there mentally - when I'm too scared to do things. And second, because I figured that it's sort of therapeutic to write this all down for others to read. I feel like in some way it'll keep me honest. It will help me actually stay in the moment.

So in that spirit, here is my moment - right now:
Jackson and Ryker are sleeping soundly and are adorable. I'm warm and feeling good about writing this. Chuck's hungry and rummaging in the fridge. And I'm going to join him.


Anonymous said...

Jamie, Everyone has battles - some can identify them and some can't. I'm proud of you for being able to speak freely about this battle of yours. You have lots of supporters as you find your way through it. By writing about it - more or less confronting it rather publicly, you probably bring strength to yourself. I suspect you also help others who aren't yet able to talk about their own.

Bethk said...

I love you! And I love this post. I think we all lose focus and perspective sometimes. I know I do. Thanks for reminding me to stay focused on what really counts.
