Sunday, June 15, 2008

What More Could a Dad Want?

I'm not a Dad, obviously, but if I WERE one, I think I would have loved this Father's Day.

First, instead of having some really creative present arrive at the house, Chuck had to pick his own. He swears he likes it better this way, but I always feel guilty. In any event, he chose an antennae for the TV in our bedroom and a DVD player. The day before Father's Day he had to spend several hours in the attic in 90+ degree heat to install the antennae. The best part? I'll be the one that uses it the most, as I'll be staying at home for the next 3 months.

Then came the REAL Father's Day. I cooked breakfast. Neat, huh?!

Then Chuck decided to wash the cars. Isn't that what all dads do on their special day?

We ate lunch at a deli that Chuck loves. Then he did laundry. Now he's putting a crib together.

No rest for the weary, or dads, right?

Anyway, it's pretty perfect that the day has gone like this because it demonstrates one of the reasons why Chuck is a great dad. He has a work-ethic that just won't quit - he will do anything for our family. Other reasons why Chuck is a great Dad:
  • his sense of humor
  • his cuddliness
  • his sense of adventure
  • his calm personality

He is the best role model for our soon-to-be two kids that I could hope for.

Thanks, Chuck, for all you do. Love, Sweetie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Chuck I know and love! Chuck, you know you have earned more "brownie points" than any other son-in-law anywhere. I'm so glad Jamie found such a "trooper"! Happy Father's Day to you!