Friday, June 20, 2008

Quiz Answers

Okay readers - you guys are either the shyest group of people or no one is reading this board anymore! I'll choose to think it's the first. Actually, a number of you have emailed me separately or talked to me about the quiz. It's okay to post comments though - I promise the board doesn't bite.

1. Body hompf = Peanut Butter - he said this for a long time but doesn't anymore
2. Guys (not a trick question - he says this and means something specific) = Chuck and I (i.e. "Umm, guys?") - I've never heard him say this to or about anyone else, just us
3. Hatar = Guitar
4. Benture = Adventure
5. Body niece = Bernice (grandma)
6. Sunshines = Sunflowers
7. Tucker = Sucker/Lollipop
8. Puppet Movie = Muppet Movie
9. Jihad = Yee-Haw - this one had me confused, and REALLY worried, for a week or two until Chuck translated for me
10. Posscle = Popsicle
11. Mess Up = Make up, as in he wants you to make up a story - "Momma, you mess up this doggy please."

1 comment:

Bethk said...

DARN! I really wanted to play because I really want my own song. I have been traveling the past few days resourcing humans and missed Wednesdays post. BUMMER! Have a happy weekend! Jihad!