Friday, March 14, 2008

Baby Update

Just a quick update on the baby - we had our 24 week appointment and everything looks great. His heartbeat was strong, I'm measuring right where I should be and my health is excellent. The baby was not thrilled with the probe being pushed into him during the sonogram, and gave it a pretty decent kick. Reminded me of how Jack was during his pregnancy.

For those that don't know - we're already scheduled for our c-section. Because of how my first delivery went and family history, we are opting to go ahead and do the section instead of "normal" labor and delivery. Anyway, it's scheduled for June 24 at 9am. Strange, huh? Our OB joked that we could do our birth announcements early. "Healthy baby boy born at 9:25am - blue eyes and good size."

The name remains a mystery to us. We have 19 names on the list right now. I'm not exagerrating. Jack is keeping his own list:

1) Baby Uncle Bob
2) Baby Bounce
3) Baby Nuh-fing (nothing in toddler-speak)
4) Baby Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum


Kelly said...

Only 19? The list has shrunk, hasn't it? I thought it was MUCH longer!

Jamie said...

I'm trying to cut it down! It was at 22 for awhile.

Bethk said...

awww June 24th 2008? I love it! Does this mean he will be a Gemini? (hahaha by the way this is my third time trying to leave this comment, I can't read the stupid word verification letters correctly!!!)