Monday, July 25, 2011

Things I Will Never Understand About My Children

These are musings brought on by my own children, but most, if not all, will apply to other children too, I bet. That there was a sentence with four - count 'em FOUR - commas. And that there was one with two dashes. You guys are in for it.

1. Why does Jack insist on standing while eating at restaurants?
2. Why is Ryker's response to me telling him "you are a good hugger" to say "I'm good at Walgreens and I'm good at the gym"?
3. What is the fascination with cutting paper into tiny shards?
4. Why do they like the omega-3 vitamins so much? They FREAK OUT if we forget them.
5. Why does Ryker dislike changing his pull-up so much?
6. Why do they love playing in the water from the rain barrel? It's nasty.
7. Why does Ryker like sitting in Jack's carseat so much more than his own? They are exactly the same.
8. How can Jack NOT remember living in our old house, but remember the tree house that was in the backyard?
9. What is the obsession with straws?
10. How can they keep swinging the bat, trying to hit a ball, miss it 18 times in a row, and still grin as you get ready to pitch the 19th one? I'd be breaking the bat over my knee and stomping away by then.


Bethk said...

I love that Ryker is "good at walgreens". What does that mean?? I love it.

Thanks for this list by the way, I will hang on to it for future Oskar reference. So far he is not doing any of those things... maybe in month two?

BJ said...

uh huh, and as for #10 what about the girl shooting at the basket 18 times and happy to try again the 19th? Sound familiar?

Jamie said...

I don't know WHAT you're talking about BJ. I never miss 18 times.
