Sunday, April 11, 2010


How do kids do it? How do they not hold a grudge, place blame and just hate something? If something gave me the hugest bloody, swollen, nasty, makes-strangers-stare-at-me-so-much-my-mom-made-us-leave-Target-early black eye, I think I'd hate it. I'm certain I would.

I ate a bad tuna salad sandwich at Subway when I was like 10 and I loathe that sandwich from that place to this day. I'll do the math for you - that's a 21 year grudge.

But not Jack. I looked out the Hayes' window yesterday afternoon to find him happily swinging around on the infamous tire swing.

I can't decide if that's stupidity, or a profound ability to forgive.

1 comment:

KellyM said...

Probably a little bit of both! Don't you just love that about kids? You were 10 - old enough to hold that grudge!

I hope he's feeling better. I'm still cringing about his face! Probably I will not be able to forgive that tire swing - not ever!!!