Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Games We Play

If you come to our house I promise you'll have many games to entertain you. Ryker's partial to "normal" games: peek-a-boo, catch, and does-this-item-keep-falling-every-time-I-drop-it-from-my-high-chair.

Jack has progressed from those games to new ones. We play "basketball," which is played with a soccer ball and a huge bat. We also play "hockey-ball," which is played with a hockey puck but no sticks. Ever since Easter he's been really excited to play "Hide the Egg." We play it ALL THE TIME. I have hidden that Egg so many times and in so many places that I should win some sort of egg-hiding award. Let me know where I can get one of those.

The newest game I play with Jack - named by Jack - is "Hide and Seek: Small Things." This is played with a tiny container, into which you place BBs which you find in our playground and also some tiny pebbles. Then someone gets to hide it on the playground while the other person counts to "fourteen seventeen dollars eight." I wasn't sure how to reach that number, so I just kept counting, "...seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, fourteen seventeen dollars eight." Jack seemed content with that.

And don't worry, if you think you won't be able to find Small Things or the Egg, it's okay because all you have to do is start to walk around. Jack will quickly walk to where he hid it and grin really big - eyes darting from you to the hiding place and back again. And if you look remotely near it, he'll shriek.

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