Wednesday, February 11, 2009


While I'm in the business of giving Jack Uber-Blog-Attention, I thought I'd share some recent Jackisms.

Jackson: "Momma, why is Ryker asleep in your arms?"
Momma: "Because he's SOOOO sleepy."
Jackson: "And he just can't hold it together."

In Target - Jack was leaning in to Ryker's face and laughing really hard:
Momma: "Funny - what is Ryker doing to your nose?"
Jackson - loudly: "He's pwucking me!" (Pwucking is how Jack says "sucking" but he says it fast and it sounds really bad.)

Jackson: "Momma, there's gonna be a witch comes out pretty soon in dat movie I'm watchin'."
Momma: "Really?"
Jackson: "Yeah, it's no biggie."

Jackson: "I want to be the tillerman."

Jackson: "Mommy, I'm tired of you talkin'."

Momma: "Jackson - what goes through your head each night when you decide to come into our room?"
Jackson: "Oh, I know! It's because I have such a big brain!"

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