Friday, October 10, 2008

Jack's Big Gigantic Day

Imagine a day that is just PERFECT for you. Custom built to include almost every single thing that you hold near and dear.

That was Wednesday for Jackson.

The day started with a trip to the Farmers' Market with his daycare crew. They bought apples, which was exciting, but they took the city bus there and back, which was RIDICULOUSLY exciting. Jack loves him some city bus.

When they got back they ate lunch and I arrived to pick him up and take him to the doctor. He got to play lots of fun games - like "Say Beep Every Time You Hear a Beep in Your Ear" and "Can You See This Shape? What is it?" and everyone's favorite "Hold Really Still and This Cuff is Going to Squeeze Your Arm." For the most part he liked the doctor's office, until they had to prick his finger. But then he got stickers - Thomas stickers - so he was happy again.

We drove home from the doctor's office to find many, many big hachines and fixermen on our street, once again. I agreed to let him sit on the step and watch them work while I ate some lunch. That would have been thrilling enough - but it gets better! They came right up to our driveway and began pouring the concrete to replace the stuff they had to cut out when they replaced our road. So we had 6 or so fixermen on our driveway working with a cement mixer and lots of tools. I thought Jack might implode. He danced around the driveway, cheered, walked down to say "hi" to them (I explained to them that they were his heroes and one of them snarled back "I hope he stays in school though." Yikes. How do you respond to that, by the way? "Me Too!!!"?).

Finally I got him to take a nap. After the nap we went to my basketball game (met Daddy and Ryker there) which meant he got to see Abby and Lisa, who he loves. After that we went to Rachael's house to help them move some things, so he got to play with Claudia and two doggies. We didn't leave until about 9:15.

And thus ended Jack's Big Gigantic Day. The next morning he excitedly asked "Where are we going after school TODAY Momma???!!!"

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