Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another Life Lesson

So many life lessons, so little time.

Today's lesson:

You might think that it's a good idea to schedule an oil change while your wife is on maternity leave. She's free to go, right? Nothing standing in her way, no baby to feed and keep entertained or anything. And after all, it will only take like 30 minutes.

Oh, but wait, you actually might need the 90k mile check-up as well. But you might think that is still easy enough.

You might be wrong.

(Side note - I love Chuck. I just feel it's my wife-given right to make fun of him in this passive aggressive manner. Love you Sweetie!)

Anyway, you might end up sending your wife to the dealership at 10:15am with the baby. And the wife might have thought that she only needed 3 diapers and 1 extra outfit, a book and her cell phone.

Then the service folks might come in and tell the wife that instead of 3 hours, it will take 3 MORE hours to fix the stuff that's wrong. And they might use words like "gasket" and acronyms like "PCV" and she might stop listening to them and call you to see what to do. Then you both might decide it's fine for her to stay there. And then she might have to order a sandwich to be delivered to her at the dealer because she has no food. And she might have trouble saying no to free coffee, so she might have 5 cups in 3 hours.

And the wife might have been wrong about the 3 diaper/1 outfit plan.

And the wife might return home at 4pm and head straight for the blog to help others learn from our collective mistakes.


Coolest people ever said...

So funny.

Three hours?? What did they do, drill for the oil and refine it first? Down here in Missourah we have Jiffy Lube and they only take 30 minutes.

That's probably the last time you leave the house with one baby outfit, huh! I can only imagine the suffering you endured.

Jamie said...

Well, it was actually almost 6 hours! 3 to do the regular stuff and then 3 to fix stuff. So yes, I think they were drilling for oil.

Coolest people ever said...

I hope it was the kind of car place that sells candy in the lobby. I would have been in major need of M&Ms.

Jamie said...

"Sells candy in the lobby"? What?

No, they had vending machines but I didn't have any cash money on me.

Woe is me.