Friday, August 8, 2008

1990 was a great year... great, in fact, that I decided to relive two of its highlights today.

In 1990 (or something like that) I went with my mom to get my ears pierced. A normal rite of passage for a pre-teen. On the way there we discussed one of my mom's more interesting students that year - a boy named Mickey Bababacov. I loved his name and would say it over and over because it was fun. Anyway, I don't remember being nervous about the piercings UNTIL the lady that was going to do it approached me with the needle-gun thing and her hand was shaking wildly and she said "this is my first time doing this so I'm a little nervous." An alarm goes off in your head when you think you are at risk of having a needle put through your head or eye or something. That's the last I remember of the piercing. Next thing I knew, I was on the floor looking up at my mom, with the shaky-lady peering over her shoulder at me, looking even more shaky than before. They were making me count backwards, say the ABCs and do some other random exercises to make sure I wasn't brain dead from my "episode." My mom got a smile on her face as she thought of one final question.

"Jamie, what is Mickey's last name?"
"Mouse" I said.
"Oh good!" said Shaky-Lady. "Oh no!" said my mom.
"Oh....I mean, Bababacov" I said.
"She's fine" my mom said. Shaky-Lady looked confused as we exited.

My ear piercings lasted less than a year, as I remember. I kept having to take them out for sports practices, so the holes closed up. I have been threatening ever since to get them re-pierced, but never did.

Until today.

I stepped into Claire's, pushed my way past the dozen or so tweens buying bubblegum flavored lip-gloss and whatnot, swallowed my pride and approached the sales person (who called me "hon") and asked for my ears to be pierced. She asked for my ID, which my husband of 6 years had to retrieve from the stroller containing our second born son. She didn't think that was as ironic as I did.

Anyway, my ears are now re-pierced. Go me. And if I had waited for 3.5 hours I could have seen the New Kids on the Block perform right there in the Mall of America. I have seen them in concert before - back in 1990. Great year.


Coolest people ever said...

You had a chance to see NKOTB at Mallmerica and DIDN'T GO?? OMG.

Congrats on the ear-piercing bravery. Guess those tattoos toughened you up!

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing so hard I have tears streaming down my cheeks! I can't believe you did that again! I suppose giving birth to two children and living to proudly show me a couple of tatoos has toughened you up enough to endure ear piercing without fainting! I'm glad you didn't make it to the concert - Christi, Beth, AND BJ would have been insanely jealous!