Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jack's Parent-Teacher Conference

We had our first parent-teacher conference for Jack today. Hilarious. I knew a lot of what we were going to hear, based on three facts.

1. I am omniscient.
2. I know my kid really well.
3. I had emailed the teacher about a month ago and had a conversation about how he's doing.

I LOVE hearing about how Jack is doing. It gives us insights to how he behaves when he's not around us. It gives us validation about things we already know. It's also just hilarious.

We first talked about his academic progress. He's doing very well with literacy. He is doing even better than that with math. She said he seems to love it. We see that too. He is doing great with physical readiness (strange term, I thought), although when he colors he sometimes rushes and messes up. She showed us a picture that is all colored in "perfectly" except the right side, where he was totally out of the lines. She's like "and over here is where he heard he gets to play after he finishes." HA.

Then there is a section called Life Skills. Here - not so good. He needs improvement there. He talks too much (I don't know ANYONE like that). He is working on being more respectful to others who may be different (this made my heart hurt). He is working on working cooperatively with others and listening to others' ideas. He's really easily frustrated and doesn't want to try things until he knows he has mastered it (Chuck and I both don't know ANYONE like that).

It was great to talk to Mrs. George about all of this. She's great and very willing to work with us. Life skills.


KellyM said...

YAY! You survived your first parent/teacher conference! Excellent! Imagine that - wants to have everything mastered - talks too much. That old adage "Apples don't fall far from the tree" is in full force! :)

Nicki said...

Life skills, eh? I know there's some things that could go better for him, but yesterday he said to me "We have a surprise for you at my house, Nicki, but you can't have it yet." and brought you and Ryker over later to give us the contents of his pickle jar to help Momma. He's got one major life skill working in his favor!

Jamie said...

I know Nicki - that WAS pretty cute. And he's decided that the next pickle jar goes to help people who don't have homes.