Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It's Ryker's Birthday Eve. If you missed his birth story, or are named Grandmommy and want to reread it, here it is:

I'm so proud of our little baby.

Ryker has grown into quite a funny, talkative, confident little boy. He tried to read me his book tonight. He can tell you that he's two. He speaks in sentences. He is persistent.

What I really love about him right now is how lovey he is. He flirts, bats his eyelashes, smiles coyly, loves to be held and to hold hands. He gives his baby (or "mah bay bee" if you're Ryk) hugs and kisses. He gives Jack a big hug before bed every night. "Nigh nigh Joshun."

So tonight I'm reflecting on the last two years and how much joy Ryker has brought to our lives. Thanks big guy.

1 comment:

KellyM said...

Of course I had to go back and read the birth story! Not that I don't remember it! (Okay, I had forgotten where we had dinner the night before - although as I read what you wrote I totally remember that dinner - with Jackson and Chuck sitting up on that mound of dirt watching all the construction trucks!) But I remember leaving Jackson at school with Miss Kay. I picked Gaga up at her hotel and we made it to the hospital and talked our way into your room before you and Chuck left for the OR. And then we waited - as we had with Jackson's birth. That moment of JOY when they let us in to see all of you - to meet Ryker - still brings tears to my eyes! Getting to bring Jackson from school into your room to see you and Chuck and to meet Ryker - well, another very special moment!

Your blog is a great way to keep each memory special. You Banjostrands are a loving family, and I love sharing every minute I can with you. Happy Birthday, Ryker! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

(PS...Jamie...maybe I should write about YOUR birth story - beginning with the night before you were born... :)