Friday, June 11, 2010


We were walking through the Mpls airport on our way home and this woman in front of us reached down and picked up a nickel. She turned around and said that she found a nickel and asked if Jack wanted it. He nodded and said "fank you!" She walked away and he looked up at me, beaming, and said "how did she know I'd want this?!"

He walked through the airport, carefully clutching his new nickel. When he went to the bathroom he made me hold his nickel - apparently none of the 19 pockets in his cargo shorts were good enough for Shiny New Nickel.

By the time we got the bags we were all completely done with traveling. My mom got really bad customer service throughout the airport, Jack had fallen and scraped his knee, Chuck's arms were going to fall off from carrying our 22 bags, Ryker was just pissy in general and I was pondering why there aren't more cases of Shaken Baby on plane rides and in airports.

As we tried to make our way from baggage claim to the taxis, my mom was pulling two bags, Chuck was holding the two biggest bags, and I was pushing Ryker in the stroller loaded with 4 bags while pulling a rolling suitcase. And yes, we packed too much.

I asked Jack to pull the small rolling suitcase. He argued. I told him that he needed to help the family.

"I *AM* helping! I'm carrying THIS!" he said, holding up Shiny New Nickel. I almost threw him across the hallway.


KellyM said...

LOL...must admit, he's lucky each of us literally had our hands full! Also a good thing we love him so much - and that he's so darn adorable! I can still see his little hand grasping that *$&%^ nickle SO tightly! You'd have thought it was a winning lottery ticket!

Amy said...

OMG - totally relate. As I am on crutches, have been asking Gabe to help - mostly to fetch things. This morning I really needed his help and he told me "no mama, I'm playing trains." Argh. But mostly he has been very helpful, so I cant get too mad.