Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Know You're a Second Child...

(Part two of what will, I'm sure, become a recurring topic. Part one is here.)

You Know You're a Second Child If...

...your mom is so concerned with your older sibling's safety (Is the helmet tight enough but not too tight? Is the strap under his chin secured correctly? Is the bike with training wheels sturdy enough? Is the child going to be able to use the brakes properly?) that she leaves you in the stroller, not buckled, with some cereal to occupy you and doesn't even notice when you stand straight up on said stroller all by yourself. And you stand there and stand there and if you had moved at all you would have sent the stroller rolling down the driveway. And you don't have a helmet, or shoes or anything that would cushion your fall. And instead of your mom being proud of your fantastic accomplishment (STANDING on something that's a tad wobbly), she yells at you to sit down!

The nerve.

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