Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Enormity and Barking Pwearls

Okay, I'm going to say just ONE MORE THING about Ryker's size but then I promise to tell a story not involving the enormity of my children.

We got some paperwork from our doctor's office, including the 12 month visit summary. Included were the growth percentiles for Ryker. We knew he was above the 95th percentile, but didn't know exactly where he came in. Here is the summary:

Weight: 99.21% of growth percentile based on weight-for-age
Length: 95.21% of growth percentile based on length-for-age
Weight for Length: 99.48% of growth percentile based on weight for recumbent length
Head circumference: 99.37% of growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age


Anyway, my funny story...Last night Jack was throwing a gigantic tantrum. Just screaming and yelling and sobbing. "I can't brush my teeth!" "You're a BAD DAD!" Finally he started to calm down. We were in his room and had opened his window for the first night in awhile. I heard an annoying screeching sound outside and, without looking, told Jack that he made a squirrel upset by being too loud. "See Jack, even that squirrel is annoyed at how loud you've been with your tantrum." He looked outside and up into a tree. "Momma, Dadda, dat pwearl is yelling at me." We said "yeah, we know. He's mad." I didn't seriously believe that the squirrel was at all interested in the antics in our house, but humoring Jack, I looked out the window as well. Much to my surprise, there was a squirrel about 15 feet up the nearest tree trunk, facing Jack's window, staring straight at us. And he was, indeed, screaming. "Momma, I can see his teef."

Tonight Jack was behaving and ironically, the squirrel wasn't there. I said that he was quiet because Jack was being so good and Jack answered "yeah, dat pwearl isn't barking tonight."

1 comment:

Bethk said...

ok the pwearls story is hilarious... except I'm slightly terrified of that pwearl. jack better behave when I visit because I will definitely run the opposite direction from any screaming pwearls with teef!!

ps. love that ryker is 99% size on everything bc there is sooo much of him to love :)