Monday, July 27, 2009

Terrible Twos-Through-Threes-Going-On-Fours

Okay for real. I know people say that your kids are like karma - if you were an obnoxious child then you get obnoxious children as payback. But Jack is paying us back for something we really weren't ever. I was a good kid, damn it, and so was Chuck.

Jack is giving us a run for our money. And he has been since he was about two and a half.

Tonight was a good example. On the way home from a nice time at the park, Jack did the following, in no particular order:

1) Called me ugly
2) Hit me with a stick
3) Ran away from me and up the street
4) Bit me
5) Laid down in the middle of the street
6) Bit me
7) Kicked me
8) Bit me

He had a timeout on our neighbor's curb, during which he continued to bite me and kick me until I held his hands and feet down. Then we got home and he was sent to his room to calm down. I took away every toy he has. We had a heart to heart, after which I thought he was going to be a good boy.

I was wrong.

"I wish I didn't have a mom."


So when, exactly, does this turn from a tantrummy toddler to a kid who might end up on the evening news?


andrea said...

Dude Jamie that sucks.DUCK TAPE! DUCK TAPE! DUCK TAPE!

Amy said...

Bummer James - Hang in there! Does this mean he will be an angel during his teen years? The sage old advice keeps me going - "this to shall pass"

Call me if you need to vent. We need to get together!! Amy

Coolest people ever said...

This probably doesn't mean much or help, but I think every kid goes through that stuff around 2-3, no matter what you did or did not do to your own parents. At least that's what I told myself when we went through it! Good thing to remember: behavior at 2-3 does not necessarily indicate behavior from 4+. (Case in point: Buster)

Laura said...

Yeah, we've had rounds of that with Siena, and we're pretty sure Elliot is just now getting warmed up with the "terrible" business. I hear about "not wanting a mom" on a regular basis. It always makes me question myself and my parenting until I talk to enough other people who say their kids did the same stuff. But there seem to be a lot of people saying that, so I think it's OK. But it still sucks that you have to deal with it.