Thursday, August 6, 2009


Time for another installment of Jack-Isms (@ 3 years, 10 months):

  • "Hah-bent" (Event)
  • "Talkers" (Speakers - as in the speakers I have at my Hah-bents at work.)
  • "Peanut butter and sanwich" (PB&J)
  • "Bee Smorning" (This Morning or Morning - never just says "morning")
  • "I trust you!" (I promise!)
And a bit of his monologue in the car home yesterday:

"Momma, I was on the pwaygwound and DaHoosh was up there - you say "Da" (waits for me to repeat "Da") "Hoosh" (waits for me to repeat "Hoosh") - DaHoosh - and DaHoosh was up there and den he pushed me off! I didn't do NUFIN' to him and he pushed me! And I cried and cried a wittuwl bit and I didn't do NUFIN' back to him and I told da teachers. And I WAS DaHoosh's fwiend but den he PUSHED me. So I'm not his fwiend anymore. (I interrupt to explain about second chances.) But if any dose kids push me eighty-forty nine times den I won't be dem fwiends anymore...DaHoosh used to wisten a wittuwl bit but den HE PUSHED ME...But I wisten. (I interrupt to ask who else listens.) Ummm, mostwy just me. And Natawie twies to wisten. She almost wistens. And Miss Mari and Ester and Miss Jean and Miss Pwistie wisten."

1 comment:

Grandmommy said...

When you write out his words, I can hear him talking! Miss our early morning (and all day!) conversations! Can't wait to see him soon! Love, Grandmommy