Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday Night

Saturday nights pre-children, on more than one occasion, included dinner, beer, and weak stomachs.

And those things happened again last night, in a slightly different and much lamer way.

Food = Grocery shopping, during which I exclaimed "now THIS is the time to shop!" and was legitimately excited.

Beer = Taking two small kids into the "drink store" as Jack refers to it, and where he's always thrilled to go because he gets a lollipop.

Weak stomachs = Jack throwing up his Swedish meatballs at Ikea - all over his shirt. That was right after he threw a gigantic tantrum in the Ikea cafeteria because there was sauce on his meatballs and was given a timeout right there in the cafeteria and then forced to apologize to all the people for disturbing their evening, and right before we continued to shop even though he looked a mess and smelled even worse.

Ahh, Saturday nights...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you made Jack apologize to everybody. How cute is that?! And, if I had been sitting near you, I'd have appreciated your consideration...maybe not so much the barf though :)