Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 - A Year in Review

That title seemed like a really good idea. I'll write a post reviewing the whole year. Then two thoughts occurred to me. 1) I can't seem to remember anything earlier than June and 2) Even if I could, I doubt our readers would really be THAT interested.

So I'll just say that 2008 was a great year (at least the half I remember). It was the year that we welcomed Ryker to our family...
...the year that Jack turned 3...
...the year I decided I liked cooking again (when I have time)...
...the start of Jacknastics... ...the year that we learned about bull riding......the year that Jackson learned about Africa and developed his first crush...
And to ring in the New Year with a bang, Ryker decided to finally find his balance and sit up unaided....

I can't wait to see what the new year brings.

Peace and love to all of our readers,
the Banjostrands

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