Monday, July 14, 2008

Family Matters

It would seem that life right now would be nothing but interesting happenings that make superb blog posts. Incorrect. Unless you are interested in knowing the TV schedule between the hours of 11pm and 5am or the words to every Sesame Street episode from the first season it aired. Then I'm your woman.

Assuming those aren't interesting to anyone else, I'll use this chance to brag about my fun family and all the things they are doing. Okay, actually just a few of them.

First there's Beth, who wrote to tell us that she took a trapeze lesson the other day. Who does stuff like that? Beth, that's who. She has written on other occassions to tell us about jumping out of planes and going surfing and stuff, so I'm not really surprised. Still, it's awesome to hear about all of her adventures. And Beth, don't tell Jack about any of those things for YEARS, okay! I want my hair to stay un-gray for as long as possible.

Next is Christi, whose new name will be Princess Promotion. Seriously, I have never seen someone earn so many promotions in such a short amount of time. Actually, Beth has seen her share too. Overachievers! Christi also randomly took up belly dancing awhile back and has become ridiculously good (and gets to wear some seriously bad-a** costumes).

Finally, my brother just got a sweet job too. He's going to be a professor and pretty much run a theater department at a college in New York. And he gets all kinds of cool photography gigs too and even has pictures of his in a coffee table book.

Talent abounds - I hope my little guys get some of those genes!


Coolest people ever said...

You're so funny -- I remember those endless early days and LOTS of TV. I saw every Letterman and late night show and infomercial (no cable) and pre-dawn national anthem for the entire summer of 1998.

Hang in there!

And thanks for the props and the new Princess title. Sounds way better than assistant manager!

Bethk said...

Princess Promotion is moving swiftly up the Corporate ladder! I think you need a nickname too. We could call you Becky Homeckie.... because you have two beautiful babes and a happy hubby and a fun new house! Such amazing things. Do you cook pies? Becky Homeckie needs to cook pies. Let me know. :)
Can't wait to see you guys so soon! xoxo

Anonymous said...

As Fern would all come from "good stock"! :)

Beth, will you be arriving by air?... with or without the assistance of an airplane?

We always knew Ryan would be in a theater....but Christi in a business suit???? ...and Jamie in an art museum and as "Becky Homeckie (love that name!)??? Life is full of surprises!

Anonymous said...

Tidbit of info about Ryker's birthday..."After all it was June 24th, the Saint's Day celebration for San Juan Bautista. Thanks to the Indian influence on the town, there are two other-less Catholic-ways that Tucsonans mark the day: pray for rain and get a haircut." I just read this the other day in a novel by Louise Ure...forcing Amaryllis. Excellent book and cool Ryker holiday. People that celebrate this in Tucson, if there is water in rivers, douse themselves in it and the haircut thing is supposed to give you full, thick hair for the rest of the year.