Friday, July 4, 2008

Family Funt

No that's not a typo. Jack has decided that there is a T in the word Fun. What does the T stand for? My best guess is Toddler - as in "(only) FUN (for a) T(oddler)." During our nightly potty-side chat Jack recited me to all of the things that were funt today. Here's the run-down, according to Jack.

We went to 3 different locations to find money. Then we went to the Animal Fair - only there weren't any animals and it was a fair for the 4th of July. But for Jack, it was an Animal Fair and it was funt. He danced with a panda bear. Danced is what he called it, but for all of the adults watching, it was much closer to stalking. So much so that the panda had to shake hands with the kids, ending with Jack, and then sprint to a van parked nearby, dive into the back and slam the door behind him. I'm not kidding. Then Jack picked a ride to go on - one of those tiny ones that has a bunch of cars and goes around in tight circles. He rode on the fire engine, but when asked what he liked the best, he said "the man that put me on the fire engine." That would be a carnie with a bent cigarette tucked behind his ear.

Then we swung by our old neighbors' house and hung out with them for awhile. The funt parts there? The Slip N Slide, which he tiptoed down each time and then cried the one time he actually did slip and slide. Also funt was the inflatable swimming pool, which he swam in with a poopy diaper, unbeknownst to us.

The funtest part for me? When Jack beamed up at us and said "we are a family!"

So it was a great night, all in all. Panda bears, carnies, poopy swimming pools. What more can you ask for?

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