Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween and Sciatica

Halloween is quite possibly the hardest day to get my kids up and out the door. Jack was supposed to have his costume WITH him but not ON him, along with his lunch and his daily folder. Ryker was supposed to have his lunch, his blanket because it's Monday, no show and tell items because it's NOT Tuesday, and a costume either on or off of him. Poor second child.

That would have made the morning challenging enough without the added fun of having terrible sciatic nerve pain shooting down my leg. Long story, but I have a history of back ailments. This round has morphed from lower back pain to achiness, to full-on pinched nerve. It's awesome. I don't know if my intrepid readers have had it, but it is NOT pretty.

So this morning I could not will myself out of bed. Chuck had left for work already. Jack decided about two weeks ago that he will walk himself to the bus stop sans escort, thank you very much. He was in and out of my room for half an hour asking if it was time yet. When it WAS time, he gave me a hug and ran off through the house.

I heard the door open, then slam shut. Then open again and Ryker's voice yelling "SASSIN! You can't go yet! Dere's dat big twuck dere! Watch OUT Sassin!" And then Jack's voice "Ryker - it's okay. I see the truck!" And then Ryker's voice again "SASSIN! You forgot your nunch bag!!!" And then "Oh! Thanks Ryk!" and the door slamming again. Running through the house. And then "no Ryk, I HAVE IT already!" Door opening. Now I'm yelling (from my bed, through two walls) "Jackson GET GOING or you'll MISS YOUR BUS!!!" Then "It's okay Momma! Ryker thought I forgot my lunch but I really didn't!" Door slamming again. Opening again. Ryker yelling "BYE SASSIN!!!"

After about 30 more minutes of me snoozing my alarm, Ryker came into my room and said "Momma, you need get UP now."

Good thing I have my 3 year old to see my 6 year old off to the bus stop and wake me up.

I got him to school, got him dressed (wrong order - he was supposed to be in costume upon arrival), and got up to my work. Then we all got home, fed, and cleaned the house for the random families that end up coming in to hang out tonight.

It was a good thing I had a Yedi Master around, because in the middle of the evening hustle I somehow managed to get my foot stuck in the baby gate downstairs, and because of my back I couldn't bend down to release myself. It was like a bear trap. Here is Yoda healing me. He said "it's okay now, I put cweam on it."

Now I'm trying to rest my back on the couch, with some red wine, my computer, and "The Hulk" playing on the TV. Chuck, Darth, Yoda and one of our neighbor families are off and running through the neighborhood.

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