Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We're raising a giant. We've taken to watching those Discovery Channel shows about the tallest man in the world, just so we can have an idea of how Ryker's episode will be laid out. You know - the footage they'll want and the types of childhood recollections that would be prominently featured, perhaps dramatically reenacted.

One such scene, I'm guessing, would have to be the early doctor's appointments. They would include interviews with our pediatrician, who would by then be maybe 60 or 7o years old. She'd sit in her trinket-filled living room recalling those early appointments with Ryker, and they'd cut away to visuals of his growth charts.

The one from two years old:
  • Weight: 99.16% of growth percentile based on weight-for-age
  • Length: 95.48% of growth percentile based on stature-for-age
  • Weight for length: 98.22% of growth percentile based on weight-for-recumbent length
  • Head Circumference: 99.92% of growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age
Any guesses on how this will benefit him in the future? Aside from the obvious jokes about football scholarships and sumo wrestling?


Bethk said...

He will be able to get things down from the top shelf easily. Take it from me... this is a great thing to be able to do.

KellyM said...

He was able to dribble a basketball by the time he was two -- I mean actually dribble it - with it under control. This kid is tall - strong. Yep. Tank would be the word (I think Jamie used that on Facebook - I use it all the time when I try to describe him to friends!). BUT - he's also sooooo cute and sweet! Beth - being able to get things down from those top shelves isn't always that great - I spent years having to that for Fern!

Florie said...

Spencer could join in this footage although the last segment would be called: "oh how we fooled you when his mother's genes finally caught up to him and he ended up being only 5'7""

the fabulous Nikki B said...

Did they keep these kind of measurements for us when we were kids??

What were Chuck's measurements?

And how accurate are these things?

Jamie said...

Nik - are you questioning the giantness of my child? Don't go there!

Just kidding. Chuck and I were debating this yesterday too. I'm not sure what their groupings are and how this data gets analyzed. All I know is that she types in a number and hits Return and a chart pops up with the 25%, 50%, and 75% and then an X for where Ryker falls.

And I NEED to be on Discovery channel someday, so Ryker is my meal ticket unless I decide to become a Hoarder.