Sunday, October 18, 2009

Baby Book Type Things

Thought I'd better do a post to chronicle what the kids are up to at their current ages.

Ryker - 16 months

Likes: Dipping his socked-feet into Tug's water; walking around carrying things; being chased by Jackson; eating; pushing his lion around; blowing his nose; dancing; rocking on his rocking-cow; rearranging our kitchen drawers; helping to shut the dishwasher; the theme song from CBS Sunday Morning

Dislikes: Being fed the wrong food; getting stuck somewhere; diaper changes; when we tickle Jack; being kept away from the big kid toys

Jackson - 4 years

Likes: spaghetti with butter, Parmesan cheese and corn; sharpening pencils; using a three-hole-punch; drawing octopuses; cutting paper into very small pieces; saying "do you know who I am? I'm J-A-C-K-S-O-N - Jackson"; riding his bike; pumpkins; helping Daddy

Dislikes: Mommy working late; any food that's green; gatherings that don't include kids; going to bed

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