Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Good thing we started a new school - it's going to be a constant source of blog posts.

Update #1:
Jack has a new friend named Sean, who he calls John because it's easier to say. He told me that John is his best friend. (Contented sigh.)

Update #2:
According to Jack, there is a rule that the kids can't wear coats on the playground. He claims that it's written on the rules outside and the teachers pointed at it. I started to tell my mom this and she said "well of course - it's June, and kids leave them outside and so it's easier to leave them inside." Well that all makes sense, but Jack says that they are NEVER allowed to wear coats. Wanna know why? I don't think you do, but I'm going to tell you anyway because you are my captive audience and because it's so weird. The teacher told him that it's because a boy was wearing a coat and got it caught on "that spinny fing and he DIED!" (Horrified gasp.)

Okay, maybe he got his facts mixed up. I asked Chuck to inquire this morning about any deaths on the playground. Stupid me - I forgot that in my list of 108 questions I asked them before we picked their school.


Laura said...

Good Lord. I am making a mental note to ask every daycare we visit from now on whether ANYONE HAS DIED ON THE PLAYGROUND. Hadn't occurred to me, either, to ask that one.

Jamie said...

Update: There WAS a child who died but it was long ago and NOT on their playground - not even in this state. And they can TOO wear coats on the playground.