Monday, June 15, 2009

We Did It!

We made it through Day One of the new daycare! I didn't even cry. And I didn't call to check on them! And I only had to talk about it once an hour, on the hour to anyone who would listen to me.

Oh wait, you probably want to know how the kids did. Silly me.

Ryker was blissfully unaware - he did fine. I would have more to report but I didn't quite catch anything that his new teacher told me. I normally am okay at accents, but hers might take me a second. I think I heard that he napped twice and something happened with "poopy" I think. But she's very nice and he smiled at her as we left.

Jack also did great. I understood more about his day. Despite him telling me last night that he was a little bit nervous, he didn't cry and was fine throughout the day. When I picked him up he was on the playground with the other kids. We went inside and he showed me the following things: the bell they ring when it's time to change activities, his bucket, the posters with the "insides of people," his name on his spot at a desk, his chairs, the trashcan, and the plastic barn toy.

He is insisting that we call it "Richfield Monnessori" (not it's correct pronunciation or "daycare" or "school"). I thought that was promising - like he was really claiming it and excited about it. But then in the car he told me that he wanted to "go to that first school." I asked if he knew that the decision was made and that THIS was his new school and he said no. Not sure how that got lost in the thousands of conversations we've had about this. He likes to keep us on our toes.

1 comment:

Amy said...

congrats to all of you for making it through!! Big success!