Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And the Other Side

Here are the opposite lists from my last post...

Things that Make Jackson Laugh
1. Ryker grabbing his face or hair
2. Being chased
3. Having you say "Where's Jackson?" and then trying to look for him
4. Silly Talk - like "I'm a door" or "Muffin Head"
5. When I make fun of and imitate Ryker when he's crying - I've told him we'll have to stop that when Ryker is old enough to know that we're laughing at him
6. Trying Ryker's clothes on
7. Being tickled on his collarbones
8. Being scared or startled - although he's announced to me that he doesn't want our house to be "pooky" for Christmas

Things that Make Ryker Throw a Tantrum
1. The word "wow" - or at least that was the case at Jack's birthday as he burst into tears every time we said it
2. Being woken up
3. His carseat
4. Hats that slip down over his eyes
5. Not being fed RIGHT NOW
6. Trying to fall asleep without a pacifier or nursing (God help me now)
7. His crib
8. Jack moving him across the room in his exersaucer while he's (Jack's) having a crying fit and while he (Ryker) just finished pooping out of his diaper and up his back and into the sleeves of his shirt - discovered tonight

1 comment:

Bethk said...

I'm a door made me laugh too!