Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kindergarten Eve

It feels like the lead-up to "school" has been super long. It's this THING that comes up over and over again. We talk to him about it, we talked to his daycare providers about it, we talk to family and friends about it. "Well, when he goes to kindergarten..."

I spent several days in the spring going up there, filling out paperwork, taking him to various places for various assessments. Last week was the Open House. Today was the orientation. All leads to tomorrow.

I haven't cried yet. Is that weird? I almost cried dropping Ryker off at school this morning. Jack had stayed home with my mom because the orientation was at 2. I was taking Ryker to daycare, and he was in the backseat hugging his blanket. We got a block away from school and he goes "Momma...why it only me?" Oh my God.

So here's what we know. He goes to the neighborhood public school, and his teacher is Mrs. George. Turns out I played basketball against her in college. Ha! She seems really great. I love his classroom - it's high tech (she has one of 8 Smart Boards in the school and it's AWESOME - Chuck and I tried to play with it at the Open House but couldn't figure it out), it's bright and airy and filled with all kinds of stuff to keep the kids learning and moving and curious. She keeps them moving also, which I liked. She ran us through what the day looks like normally, and I in turn ran my mom through it. She spent most of her professional career as a first grade teacher. She loved what we told her about the classroom so that makes me feel better.

Nonetheless, my little guy rides the bus for the first time tomorrow. By himself. Well not by himself, per se, but not with anyone he knows. And then goes to a big new school with big new people and big new things.

My BABY. If you all need any reminding, it's THIS kid starting school tomorrow:


the fabulous Nikki B said...

Awww! that picture of him with the hat on made me smile so big! It is hard to even imagine him ever being that small!

Kelly said...

Love those pictures - and remember each one. You have to just enjoy every second - and I know you and Chuck do! I know how lucky I am to get to be around them so much!

Bethk said...

aww this post made ME cry!! so sweet.