Thursday, September 11, 2008

Leaving Maternity Leave

I've been thinking minutely (is that a word? I mean the unit of time, not another way to say "tiny") about the end of my maternity leave. I go back to work on Monday. And although he's sitting right next to me, kicking my arm as I type, I miss my baby already.

I went through this with Jack too, and I know it gets easier each day and that when you pick them up from daycare it's the most wonderful feeling ever, but still...I'm sad.

When I'm typing things at work, there won't be a little person smiling up at me and grabbing at my arm. Even if there is, I will have to call security to have them removed because that would be creepy. And my coworkers won't let me hug them and squeeze their cheeks and pat their bellies all day. Again, that would be creepy. And this time security would have to remove ME. To say nothing of the fact that I'll have to form complete sentences and string them together into coherent thoughts. My family can attest to the fact that I'm having significant trouble with that right now. Minutely.

Other things I'll miss:
1. My non-Ryker morning companions: Ellen and the hosts of the View
2. Walks around the lake
3. Cuddling
4. Wearing comfy clothes all day

So I'm sad. But Ryker will love daycare just like Jack does. And I'll get a 9 hour break from changing diapers. Speaking of which...gotta run.


Coolest people ever said...

It's hard to believe it's time to go back already ... seems like he was just born! (At least to me -- you've had a long sleepless summer so it probably feels longer to you.)

Sorry you're feeling sad and just remember how it was with Jack -- he'll love having friends at daycare and you'll be fine too, even if it's hard at first. And try not to pat any co-workers' bellies your first week back ... that probably wouldn't help.

Jamie said...

Can I comment on their "cute little man chests?"

Bethk said...

as your hr advisor, I'm going to say no to that one.

Anonymous said...

It's not easy, I know. My Pollyanna advice is to focus on the positives, like being able to go to the bathroom whenever you need to, by yourself. Without anyone crying or asking what you are doing in there, whether it's pee or poop, can they have a snack, etc, etc, etc. Much better to start them in daycare well before they learn to talk. And now I'm going to go look for a job.