Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It seems fitting to start our first post with introductions. First, the adults - Jamie and Chuck:

We're a loving husband and wife, proud parents, pet enthusiasts, homeowners, tax payers, sports junkies, and generally fantastic people. And humble too...

Next, the kid - Jackson:

Jackson is 2 and a half - just ask and he'll tell you. He looks exactly like a 4 year old version of Chuck, only with blue eyes and blotchy skin (sorry Bud, but it's true). And yes I said "a 4 year old version" - he's huge. And adorable. His favorite topics to talk about right now include people getting on and off busses, Barack Obama (or "Barackobomba" as he says) and caucuses and picking leaders, and ogres and wicked witches. Favorite question - "Momma, what dat lady doin'?"

Jack's going to be a big brother this summer. I'd post a picture of the newest addition, but we don't have the ultrasound pictures uploaded. It's definitely a boy though.

Finally, the animals: Reese and Tugboat. I'd post pictures of them too, but they aren't saved on this computer. I'll get to it eventually. Anyway, Reese is a cat that we got as our first pet in 2001. She's 7 years old and the tiniest cat I've ever seen. She also acts like a dog, which is the only reason Chuck tolerates her. We never call her Reese, so from here on out she will be referred to as Kitty. Tugboat is a boxer mix that we got in 2002 when she was 2 and a half - making her 8 years old. She can eat like no other dog, earning her the following nicknames: Fatboat and Fatty McPancakes. Jack calls her "Buh-bope". If Jack was listing our pets he would include Roomba, which he thinks is a real live member of our house.

So that's our family. With love from Minnesota,


Bethk said...

Love it! So glad you started one of these. And I'm with Jack when it comes to the Roombas. Those things have to be real. I mean right? How do they know where to go?


Kelly said...

I think this will be great! We can keep up on Jackson's latest favorites...although sometimes you'll have to translate them for us! So glad he is a barakobama supporter! And Beth - I can tell you - I've WATCHED Roomba. It doesn't have a CLUE where to go!

Love to all,
Mommy/Kelly/Linda (maybe I should settle on one easier name - like maybe Roomba2 - I've gotten to that age where I wander around aimlessly too!)

Coolest people ever said...

I'm so impressed. I've thought about doing this forever, as a way to keep everyone updated on the kids' crazy adventures (which right now include the flu), but actually doing it is something else altogether. Way to go!

Maybe someday I'll join the trend. Maybe somday I'll also send your Christmas presents. :o)

xoxo Christi

BJ said...

Jack discusses caucuses? Great, have him call me, I need help understanding them! Love the blog.

Jamie said...

Jack's explanation of a caucus would be that you eat pretzels and listen to a lady and pick leaders. He also deems it "playing caucus" so I'm not sure he understands the seriousness of it. All in due time.

Uncle Ryan said...

great to see that Jackson has reached 2008, I love that Jackson has an MP3 Player. And NO neither Marko nor I bought him the MP3 Player. But it does give me ideas of things to get him in the future... be afraid, very afraid. I did get him something this afternoon. The adults will have to use it / make it work.