Monday, May 7, 2012

Help For Jack

Oh man do I feel better. It's not about me, but I'm just sayin'.  In case you're wondering how *I'm* doing.

We had our first appointment with Jack's new therapist today. She was great. We're in good hands. Jack was perfectly adorable, as usual. Her office was at the end of a long corridor, which he spotted quickly. When she came to get us, he said "is that your office?" and she said yes and he took off running to get into it. Not the response I was expecting.

She got medical histories from us, asked his history with frustration and anger, and asked him a bunch of questions.

At one point she asked what he liked to do most when he wasn't in school. He goes "umm...cuddling with Momma..." and then he listed other stuff but honestly I stopped listening then because I was grinning so hard I couldn't hear anything.

Anyway, she will have two more appointments with him, alone, and then she'll have one with just Chuck and me to give us her assessment. We'll go from there, but she made it sound like she thinks she might be able to teach us some good ways to help him ourselves without him needing to be in therapy for an extended period of time. As she put it, "6 year olds have better things to do than sit in therapy."

It felt good to take the first step towards helping my Jack Attack feel better.


Bethk said...

I love this!

KellyM said...

Sounds terrific! Another of your great parenting skills... choosing wisely who else you put in his circle. Love you (and him!)...