Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mahwee Cwissmas To All

We've been a busy busy family in the last week, but I wanted to do a quick recap for everyone.

Highlights of Jack's trip thus far:
  • The ride was split up into two shorter rides. (He had asked me awhile ago to take a different way to St. Louis because "that last way made me kinda tired.")
  • Daddy read him his brand new fire engine book 5 times on the drive.
  • When we got to Grandmommy's condo, she had left a bunch of ornaments for Jack to put on the tree. He took his job very seriously, as evidenced by the abundance of ornaments about 3 feet off the ground in a ring around the tree.
  • The breakfast he had his first morning in StL - I came out of the bedroom and he was sitting eating what looked to be a chocolate Rice Crispy treat. I said "what are you eating?" and he said "a chocolate beffest bar!!" Apparently he asked Grandmommy if she had one, so she looked around and found one. Sneaky little guy.
  • Baking blueberry muffins.
  • The Magic House in StL - he got to play on a pretend construction site, play with hachines, and fix some cars. I don't think he spoke to us the entire 3 hours we were there.
  • His job every morning was to turn on the Christmas tree, and every morning it THRILLED him.
  • For Grandmommy's birthday he got to help open her presents and eat her dessert. He also got to feed all the ducks that hang out at the Boathouse - they come right up to you and snap up the bread in your hand.
  • Santa finally did come, and he left a fire engine and a forklift!
  • We got to drive through a park that puts on a huge light show every year. And as we were leaving, Santa was there, saying bye to all the cars. The conversation went something like this: "Hi Santa!!!!" "Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho." "Santa, why do you have a sled?" "Yep, I have a sled and reindeer."...Santa tries to walk away from the car... "Santa, fank you for my fire engine!" (Yelled out the window.) Santa walks back over. "Oh you're welcome."...Santa tries to walk away again..."Santa, fank you for my forklift!" Santa walks back over. "You're welcome."...on and on and on. I finally drove off.
  • Jack got a pair of scissors from me that cut jagged lines. He LOVES them and Grandmommy is blessed with many "unicorns" and "chairs" all over her condo.
  • So much Gaga and Papa time (and Pwisti and Beff and Kaya and Joshy, but who are we kidding, we all know the pecking order)! Much chasing and searching for Jack and tickling.
Highlights of Ryker's trip thus far:
  • All the relatives making eye contact with him.
  • He got a cube that plays music, adding in a different instrument on each side of the cube and taking them away too. He's obsessed.
  • Everyone clapped tonight when we announced that he had finally pooped. He liked being clapped at.
  • He has had a lot of fun laughing at Mommy and Daddy as we play our new Wii!
Highlights of Mommy and Daddy's trip so far:
  • Watching all of the above and seeing the kids with such excitement and wonder in their eyes.
  • Being together with my family, as always, is so much fun and so rejuvenating.
  • Our new Wii! AAAHHHH!!!
As Jack would say (and HAS been saying to anyone who will listen) - Mahwee Cwissmas!

1 comment:

Coolest people ever said...

Great summary - it was so fun to see you guys and hang out! I'll be curious to see how many years Jack can keep up the Tiny Tim thing. :o)