Saturday, September 13, 2008


Today marks the beginning of Jack's athletic career. Someday we'll look back proudly on this moment - the moment he took off his froggy boots and raincoat, waved bye bye to us and began training for what he is destined to do.

Today was the start of Jacknastics.

Okay, so maybe he doesn't have the typical build of a gymnast. The most recent height predictor told me he will be 6'5". But he showed real promise. He listened really well, tried everything, and even took his thumb out of his mouth. For how nervous he was, that was a big deal. Two days ago, when I told him he was going to start gymnastics class, he quietly replied "Momma, I not know how to do that." God help him, he's already showing signs of Chuck and my perfectionism.

Anyway, Chuck and I were laughing, cheering and taking pictures the whole time while the other parents sat reading Reader's Digest. I'm not kidding. Not all of them, just one, but still. Who reads Reader's Digest? At gymnastics class? We couldn't take our eyes off of the class and our sweet little man.

Tons of pictures are up on Flickr. Take a look - it was adorable.

1 comment:

Bethk said...

aww! he is such a sweet pea! I love him. :)