Happy 3rd Birthday (or "Birfday" as Jack says) to my sweet baby boy.
3 years ago today we were sitting in the hospital waiting to meet our little boy. He was born at 8:06pm and weighed 8lbs, 2oz and was 21.5 inches long. It was a Thursday night.
Our life hasn't been the same since. He grew at an astonighing rate, even as far as babies go. And with each growth spurt he looked more and more like Chuck. He has his lips, his body-build, his eyebrows. From me he got blue eyes and his complexion. Sorry Bud.
It's been awesome to watch him grow into a little person, complete with his own likes and dislikes, strengths and "opportunities." These change daily, as this blog has hopefully captured. He went from signing for milk, more, change, and food to speaking in a sort of external-monologue format. He went from a baby who refused to roll over to a kid who will pick up and carry his picnic table to a different location if he thinks it needs relocating. He was colicky and wouldn't sleep unless you were holding and bouncing him to a 12-hours of sleep toddler to a kid who wants to sleep on our floor and have breakfast at 5am. He went through a phase of hitting and kicking you when he was angry and came out on the other side as a boy who says "I'm frustrated" and will take deep breaths with you. He gets humor and irony. He says "Momma, you twickin' me!" and has a fantastic imagination.
I could go on and on. But most of all I just want to say that I'm so proud of my little man. He is sweet, kind, and consientious beyond my wildest expectations. He is an old soul and we love him.
So sweet. I can't believe how fast their growing up! Great party - Baby Gabe and I had lots of fun!=)
Love the touchdown picture!!! Happy Birthday, Jack!!!
Happy birfday Jack!! It is hard to believe he's three ... and maybe harder to believe he can wear my 7-year-old's clothes. :o)
Happy Birthday Jack!!!
...and when he says "I wuv you, Bwandmommy" it's THE BEST! Worth every minute of that long, long ride! Loved being there for the birfday... wouldn't have missed it for anything! Remember - he DOES have all those great qualities - and you and Chuck have helped him grow into those. Congratulations - and Happy Birfday - to both of you, too!
I loved Jackson's comments about marriage. I can't wait to see my LDS friends and tell them about Jack embracing polygamy. They'll be thrilled. He could also move to AZ and Chihuahua, MX.
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