Saturday, November 5, 2011

Reason #835 That My Mom Rules

Grandmommy is up here again, unplanned trip this time. She's here to help with the kids and the house because of my hobbled-ness. Chuck has a cold and I have a badly pinched sciatic nerve. The kids have nothing physically wrong with them, but are crazy-in-the-head and acting like trolls. Yes, I just called my kids trolls. Maybe it's the meds talking.

We should talk about the meds. They are, to borrow a phrase from a dear friend, "cray cray." At first I was on two muscle relaxers. The night-time one made me sleepy and I have taken that almost every night for the last 2-3 weeks. The daytime one I took only once, and it made me giggle a lot and twiddle my fingers in the air all the time. I stopped taking that one.

I also was prescribed Vicodin, which I swore I would not take. That was until Wednesday, when the pain got so bad I couldn't walk. Then Vicodin sounded downright fantastic. It afforded me a whole 90 minutes of sleep. Hooray!

Thursday I was prescribed steroids. I didn't get the pack until 7pm, so I had to take all 6 of the 1st day doses in a 3 hour period. I also took a Vicodin, and slept until 4:45am, when I woke up and was READY to GO. Only I hurt too much to do anything, so I sat there playing games on my phone, writing emails, watching tv, and listening to my kids wander around the house. Apparently they get up at 5 but whisper and tiptoe around until 6, when Jack declares "Ryker - we can wake up now!"

My mom came up yesterday to help, which is the best idea ever. Smart woman. Now I can rest and recover more quickly and the kids don't have to deal with my boredom- and pain-induced crankiness.

Now I must get back to my Lord of the Rings trilogy movie marathon.


BJ said...

Grandmommy to the rescue! She is awesome for sure. Get well soon and if you have any happy pills leftover please bring them to the Thanksgiving riot.

Nicki said...

I call dibs on leftovers!!!! I'll share just a little BJ, because I love you, but I'm definitely ready to be sent out of my mind. Let's GO! :)

KellyM said...

What makes you think they'll be any leftover happy pills? What the heck to you think is keeping me here???? :)