I've felt pretty guilty for making my mom and Chuck do everything around the house. Then I got my new meds (another course of steroids and a new med for nerve-pain).
Now I'm able to get up easier and walk easier, AND the steroids keep me awake. Really, really awake. And if I am finally able to fall asleep, the 'roids allow me to wake up SUPER FAST! So I'm ready to go when duty calls. No matter WHEN it calls. When my mom got the kids out of the house yesterday and I knew a friend was bringing food over, I managed to clean the island off and sweep the floor. I couldn't get the dirt pile into the dustpan and therefor into the garbage, but at least it was all congregated in one spot instead of spread out all over the house. Improvement.
Last night I read and read and read. It was better than my insomnia-induced late-night-tv marathon on Friday night - I watched every minute of the 10pm news, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, and Carson Daly all in a row for the first time ever. Personal record and unremarkable all at once.
But back to last night. I decided to read instead of watch crappy tv. I finally fell asleep around 2am. At 2:45am Ryker was sad-moaning in his room. I was ready to help! Put me in, coach! I'm ready!! Apparently his "wip huwt wiwy wiwy bad." As all moms know, lip ailments are best cured by more sleep, and so I put him back to bed. His bed is really low to the ground so that's a little hard to manage but he didn't seem to mind me dropping the blankets on him from 5 feet up and I aimed well, so they covered him just fine.
Then at 4:50am Tugboat decided to get sick. My poor puppy. Only I forgot that I'm not 100% so when I was awoken from a dead-sleep by the sound of...well, you know...I attempted to JUMP out of bed. I froze, carefully folded myself back into my bed, and told Chuck he had to do it.
I guess I'm not completely independent yet. Getting better though.
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