Wednesday, January 6, 2010


As Jack and I were coming home from school today he started quizzing me about Martin Luther King, Jr. I was so excited to have a grown-up conversation with him.

Jack: "Was I alive when he was alive?"
Momma: "Nope. I wasn't alive then either."
J: "Yeah, I wasn't alive and you weren't. And not Daddy, not Ryker, not energy bar....Would that be a big meal?"
M: "Huh?"
J: "Energy bar, waffle and orange juice."

I thought it was funny in a childish sort of way that he couldn't stay focused on the topic, until I realized that most of my conversations veer off the intended path and onto a more chocolaty one.


Jim said...

Were the pilgrims alive when MLK was alive?
Was there chocolate cake at the first Thanksgiving?

Ms. Kay

p.s. loving the blog- so happy I can keep up to date. keep posting.

KellyM said...

Glad to see the A.D.D. is staying in the family. Love to pass on "traditions". :)

Jamie said...

Well, according to Jack's timeline, MLK came first and then the Pilgrims, since they were the prior owners of our house. And they "made great friends with the Indians" so I guess if the Indians liked chocolate cake, then yes, they would have served it. Because they were friends. (Loving the new school but missing your liberalness.)