A random thought. Lately I feel like my conversations with friends revolve around doing things for others. I have two friends, in particular, who are INCREDIBLY giving. One is going to donate a kidney! To a perfect stranger. I mean, really...It's amazing. The other spends several nights a week and a bunch of weekends a year volunteering.
I so admire them. It would never cross my mind to donate an organ to someone. It just wouldn't. I'd be scared. And I just don't volunteer anymore.
I used to do unto others as I'd have them do unto me, before the kids arrived. I coached younger kids in basketball all through high school. I worked at a camp for inner-city kids in StL every summer, and more basketball camps than I can remember. I served on the Human Rights Commission in Richfield, and had people talking to me about running for City Council or School Board. And I worked for four years at Big Brothers Big Sisters.
But now my time has gotten away from me. I need to get back to it. I need to carve out the time, or pick things that my whole family can do together. If anyone has suggestions, let me know. The problem is that I always feel like I'm taking time away from something that important - time from Chuck or the kids, time from work, time from my own exercising (which I'm pretty bad at carving time out for anyway). I definitely want to work for the schools that the kids will attend and coach teams if they decide to play sports, but that's a few years off.
So there is my random thought. Gotta think up something to do.
pick me! pick me! If you are interested the UDL could use you! Feb 4th 3pm - 7pm and March 18th 3pm - 7pm. If you cant do the whole time, I will take whatever you can offer.
While Jack is a great debater (I have seen his persuasiveness in person) I dont think he is ready to judge debate rounds just yet... but you are!=)
I know NOTHING about debate!!!
You will after you judge a couple of rounds=)
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